Mikk’s thoughts for the year 2024


What to focus on in 2024?

In 2023, everyday work life was filled with terms like “technology,” “AI,” “automation,” “data,” “sustainability,” and more. These were macro-level topics crucial to pay attention to, regardless of the field, requiring a deep dive for successful entrepreneurship.

The rapidly advancing technology and the seemingly absurd race to be the most capable in utilizing it increasingly make me contemplate. I agree that streamlining processes is essential in business. Time is of great value, and it cannot be bought. People should engage in what they are strong at. In fierce competition, finding ways to provide excellent service with minimal time is crucial.

However, the pursuit of efficiency can lead to our work becoming mechanical, losing our human essence. Yet, I consider true competitiveness to lie in humanity. Events are created to strengthen interpersonal relationships, create, and provide emotions. Orangetime adheres to this idea; it is the cornerstone of our activities and the strength of our team. We respect the people around us. The more diversity and different perspectives, the more we can create new experiences and memories for ourselves, our clients, and others. Purposefully mentioning ourselves first (the agency), by keeping ourselves healthy and strong, we create the foundation to be an excellent partner for others on a personal and company level. This is not egoism. Putting the oxygen mask on ourselves first allows us to be useful and consistently present for others.

Let’s not forget human contact. Let’s listen to each other, come together more, and exchange thoughts. Let’s take joy in being human.


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